Fabrice Bartolomei, MD, PhD is a neurologist specialized in epilepsy and Professor at the Aix-Marseille University (France) leading the “Service de Neurophysiologie Clinique”. Prof. Bartolomei is also the medical director of the Centre Saint-Paul – Hopital Henri Gastaut coordinating the clinical network CINAPSE dedicated to the management of adult and pediatric cases of epilepsy in Marseille. He is also member of the Research unit INSERM U1106 (Physionet team). He is particularly involved in the presurgical evaluation of patients with drug resistant epilepsy and is a world leader in the analysis of Stereo-EEG recordings. He has published numerous studies in the field of epilepsy (>200, H index >50), particularly on the concept of “Epileptogenic Networks”. He has for a long time promoted the use of EEG/SEEG analysis and the co-inventor of the “Epileptogenicity Index, a method for assessing epileptogenicity of brain regions.
He is the vice president of the LFCE (Ligue Française Contre l’Epilepsie) and President of the Scientific Committee of the LFCE. He is permanent member of the “Electrophysiological Task force” of the International Ligue Against Epilepsy (ILAE
He is currently the director of the “Fédération Hospitalo-Universitaire” FHU “Epinext” that gather 11 INSERM research units and 4 clinical departments into a consortium dedicated to the management and research on drug resistant epilepsies.